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Friday, September 13, 2024

US Election: Joe Biden Spotted Wearing Trump’s MAGA Hat

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Before the United States, US, Presidential election, President Joe Biden caused a stir when he put on a red hat belonging to Donald Trump, who is running for president for the Republicans.

Biden wore the ‘Make America Great Again’ (MAGA) hat during an event marking the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

In Pennsylvania on Wednesday, Biden visited firefighters near the place where one of the four hijacked planes crashed. Videos showed him having a friendly chat with a Trump supporter, and they exchanged hats.

In the video, Biden gave a hat with the presidential seal to the Trump supporter, saying he would even sign it.

The Trump supporter then asked Biden to autograph it with his name.

Jokingly, Biden replied, “I don’t remember my name, I’m slow.”

After talking about his age a bit, Biden handed the signed hat to the man and offered to trade it for the Trump hat. Biden wore the Trump hat for a short time, which made the crowd cheer.

Right away, social media users started commenting, and Trump’s campaign thanked Biden for the “support.”

However, a statement from the White House said Biden’s action was meant to highlight the day’s theme of unity.

The deputy White House Press Secretary, Andrew Bates, explained: “As a gesture, he gave a hat to a Trump supporter who then said that in the same spirit, the President should put on his Trump cap.”

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