(To Dan Izevbaye, unforgettable teacher)
Economical with words
But the same does not happen with wisdom.
His quiet pen provokes the open page
Article page with promotion of financial support
At a protein depth
Of rare richness and piercing sagacity
Rounded in its rhythm
Polyglot in his expression
Soften your voice with the mythical melody of the Muse
Red, red run your favorite books
Your rainbow harvests on our luminous shelves
His eyes fixed and firm on our Paths of Wisdom.
His voice, sharp and calm, generates a thousand songs
Modest and methodical,
This timeless thinker who probes
The inclinations of the deepest words
Veteran performer breaks down
The code of convoluted idioms
The song is her soulmate, the story her consolation.
This shy warrior who kills
The dragon of intimidation and nescience
He was born with a book in his hand
This unforgettable teacher
Who plows the fertile space?
Between the head and the heart
How many trumpets can we play?
For this defender of life and love.
How many tons of gold can be obtained as a reward?
His immeasurable capacity?
Niyi Osundare, one of Africa's foremost poets and scholars, is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English at the University of New Orleans.