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We have moved all templates to this collection page. It includes All Resume and Cover Letter Templates, Business Plan Templates, Invoice Templates and More...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


10 Days To Faster Reading: Jump-Start Your Reading Skills With Speed Reading [pdf]

Kickstart your reading skills! In the past, mastering speed reading required several months of...

Keeper Of The Lost Cities By Shannon Messenger [pdf]

In this stunning ninth book in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, which has...

Two Queens And One King By Yenziwe [pdf]

“Two Queens and a King” is a magnificent work that stands on its own as...

Rich Dad Poor Dad [pdf]

It's been nearly twenty-five years since Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad, Poor Dad first caused...

Rich Dad’s Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter With Your Money [pdf]

Robert Kiyosaki has for many years held the firm belief that the best investment a...

Biggles Delivers The Goods [pdf]

Ginger felt the blood drain from her face as the pain intensified. It seemed...

The Game: Penetrating The Secret Society Of Pickup Artists [pdf]

A den of seduction can be found hidden somewhere in almost every major city in...

All Your Perfects – By Colleen Hoover [pdf]

All Your Perfects – by Colleen Hoover pdf book: author of the number one New...

It Starts With Us – By Colleen Hoover [pdf]

Start with us – by Colleen HooverIt Starts With Us – by Colleen Hoover:...

The Aeneid (Oxford World’s Classics) [pdf]

The Aeneid (Oxford World Classics): Frederick Ahl's new translation achieves something that has never been...

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