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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tension as soldiers arrest several people and harass residents

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There is tension in Abia State as soldiers arrested many residents and assaulted others in what appears to be an act of revenge.

This comes days after gunmen killed five soldiers in Aba, the commercial hub of the state.


PREMIUM TIMES reported how masked gunmen, on Thursday morning, attacked and killed soldiers at Obikabia Junction in Aba, the commercial hub of the state.

The gunmen, who also burned the soldiers’ patrol car, were said to be enforcing the stay-at-home order declared by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) across the southeast to mark Biafra Day, which is celebrated annually in the region.

The Nigerian military subsequently vowed to retaliate for the killing of soldiers by suspected IPOB members.


Arbitrary arrests

Dr. Rose Agwu on Friday accused state soldiers of arresting her 15-year-old brother and sister.

Agwu, who resides near Obikabia Junction, where Thursday’s attack occurred, said soldiers stormed his house on Friday morning and arrested his brothers.

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“At around 5am, the Nigerian army invaded my house, broke the gate and door and took away my 15-year-old brother and sister, who had just arrived home, leaving my elderly father alone.


“So far they have not been released. We are still trying to locate them. Please help us ask the Nigerian military the logical reason behind this and how they can account for all the people they captured and their plans for them,” he said in a series of posts on his X account.

The doctor did not mention the names of the arrested brothers.

However, PREMIUM TIMES identified the two arrested brothers as Solomon and Rejoice.

video clip

A video circulating on social media shows some residents being forced into waiting military vans.

In the clip, seen by PREMIUM TIMES, several residents, mainly young women, are seen being asked by soldiers to get into the van.

In addition to the van, other residents, mostly young men, were seen sitting on the ground while some soldiers appeared to question them.

It is unclear whether the youths were subsequently arrested by soldiers.


In addition to the arrests, PREMIUM TIMES reported that soldiers have been harassing many residents of the state since Friday.

“They (soldiers) are harassing everyone, even around Osisioma Junction,” a resident of the area told this newspaper.

The resident, who asked not to be identified for fear of being attacked, said the soldiers’ show of force could be due to anger over the killing of his colleagues last Thursday.

“Even fighter jets have been flying around here. There is great tension here,” he added.

Companies punished

Another resident of Aba area of ​​Abia State, Victor Akpuma, said soldiers also prevented businessmen from opening their shops in major markets in the area.

“Yesterday (Friday) was worse. In all the major markets around Aba, they (soldiers) came out and started shooting sporadically and asking everyone to go back to their homes. They said since we wanted to stay at home, we should continue sitting at home,” Akpuma said.

The army speaks

The spokesperson of the 14 Brigade of the Nigerian Army in Ohafia, Abia State, Innocent Omale, was contacted on Saturday night and confirmed the arrest of some residents.

However, Omale, a lieutenant, said those arrested, including Agwu’s brothers, have already been released.

“All those who were arrested or detained (by soldiers) yesterday (Friday) have been released,” he said.

Agwu has also confirmed that his brothers have been released.

On sporadic shootings and harassment of residents, a military officer said the killing of army personnel was painful enough to force soldiers to stop movement and commercial activities in the area.

The official, who asked not to be identified because he was not allowed to speak about the matter, said some residents in the area appeared to be supporting those who killed the soldiers.


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