(For Frank Kokori)
Frankly speaking……
So he has gone the way of ancestors Not in a chariot of fireNot in a golden carriage Not on the wings of the eagle
He strode back home On a path cleared by our common prayersHe swung his hands by his side As he swayed to our songs of honour
Rare brand in this clime of caviling compromise True in his word, true in his deedHe knew what part of the sky begat the sun So he walked all his life in perpetual Light
When darkness seized the land And gun-toting despots assailed our FreedomHe risked life and job and pitched his tent On the side of those who labored for a chainless future
For he was a Leader who knew how to follow Scion of our devastated DeltaHe knew the perilous particularities Of the politics of oil
Truth over tribe, science beyond superstition He was there when a foul AnnullerImperiled our Liberty, and he stood forefront In the army which challenged his gun
Sleep well, worthy Compatriot You remain a Hero in a land stillIn desperate search for lasting values Frankly speaking……
Niyi Osundare, one of Africa’s foremost poets and academics, is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of English, University of New Orleans.